Promotion From The Lord (1 Samuel 18:1-5)

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Self promotion will always be a temptation for anyone that has a desire to succeed. We will be
tempted to be impatient and take matters into our own hands to advance ourselves. We must trust
God to lift us however high He wants us to go and to do it in His time. Likewise, we should be
content to be as small as God wants for as long as He wants. “For promotion cometh neither from
the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and
setteth up another.” (Psalms 75:6-7)
In God’s time, He began to exalt David, putting him on a trajectory that would culminate with
becoming king. It was not David’s scheming and manipulation that brought about his advancement.
It was God’s promotion. In 1 Samuel 18:1-5, we read of three ways that God blessed and promoted
David from a little known, small town shepherd to a well known leader of the nation. God blessed
David with a princely friend in Jonathan, with prestigious employment in the service of king Saul,
and with public acceptance by people from all classes. True promotion only comes from God,
therefore we must be content with the position God has put us in and trust God to advance us if,
when, and how He chooses.