Nov 20, 2024

Thy Kingdom Come (2 Samuel 5:1-25)
By: Pastor Chambers
Series: Life of David
Wednesday Night Bible study at Philadelphia Baptist Church in Rutledge, GA.
Pastor Steven Chambers
Pastor Steven Chambers
- Nov 20, 2024Thy Kingdom Come (2 Samuel 5:1-25)
Nov 20, 2024Thy Kingdom Come (2 Samuel 5:1-25)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidWednesday Night Bible study at Philadelphia Baptist Church in Rutledge, GA.
Pastor Steven Chambers - Aug 7, 2024Wrong is never Right (1 Samuel 24)
Aug 7, 2024Wrong is never Right (1 Samuel 24)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidRight and wrong are not determined by the circumstances we face. What is convenient is not always right. Sometimes it is easier to do the wrong thing. Occasionally our friends will mistakenly encourage us the wrong way. We must look past the immediate situation and see the will of God. We must block out the noise of other voices and listen to the Word of God. We must do right, even when doing wrong seems like a better idea.
- Feb 21, 2024Promotion From The Lord (1 Samuel 18:1-5)
Feb 21, 2024Promotion From The Lord (1 Samuel 18:1-5)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidSelf promotion will always be a temptation for anyone that has a desire to succeed. We will be
tempted to be impatient and take matters into our own hands to advance ourselves. We must trust
God to lift us however high He wants us to go and to do it in His time. Likewise, we should be
content to be as small as God wants for as long as He wants. “For promotion cometh neither from
the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and
setteth up another.” (Psalms 75:6-7)
In God’s time, He began to exalt David, putting him on a trajectory that would culminate with
becoming king. It was not David’s scheming and manipulation that brought about his advancement.
It was God’s promotion. In 1 Samuel 18:1-5, we read of three ways that God blessed and promoted
David from a little known, small town shepherd to a well known leader of the nation. God blessed
David with a princely friend in Jonathan, with prestigious employment in the service of king Saul,
and with public acceptance by people from all classes. True promotion only comes from God,
therefore we must be content with the position God has put us in and trust God to advance us if,
when, and how He chooses. - Feb 7, 2024A Cause Worth Fighting For (1 Samuel 17:11-29)
Feb 7, 2024A Cause Worth Fighting For (1 Samuel 17:11-29)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidFor anyone to put themselves in danger, especially a life or death situation, they must have a
good reason for it. David understood that the glory of God was at stake, and that was the best
reason to get in the fight. When we face the enemy with faith-filled courage, God gives us victory,
and the rewards will be blessings for us and the glory of God. - Jan 24, 2024David’s First Royal Assignment (1 Samuel 16:1-14)
Jan 24, 2024David’s First Royal Assignment (1 Samuel 16:1-14)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidWhatever God calls us to do, we can be certain that God has already give us all the preparation we need to do the task. We may feel like we are inadequate, and the truth is that without God we are. We must determine to always do our best by the grace of God and for the glory of God.
- Jan 17, 2024David, God’s Chosen Man (1 Samuel 1:1-13)
Jan 17, 2024David, God’s Chosen Man (1 Samuel 1:1-13)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of DavidWhen we first meet David in 1 Samuel 16, he is a young man, probably just at teenager, who was all but forgotten by his family. God had a plan for David, and even though he may not have been man’s first choice, he was God’s chosen man.