Why Serve God?

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“Growing up in a pastor’s home, I was saved at a relatively young age. I remember sitting with me dad while he went over the plan of salvation – how my sin separated me from God and destined me to an eternity in hell, but God’s Son Jesus died in my place on the cross and rose from the dead, taking my punishment to give me eternal life. After that, I prayed and a few years later, I was baptized on the same day as my sisters and younger brother. Despite a short period of doubting, I still believe I was saved that day when I was five.
As a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy, I wanted to study to become an ornithologist. I can remember wrestling in my heart whether I would give up that goal if it were not God’s will. Eventually I reached the point where I was willing to let any of my plans go for whatever the will of God for my life would be.
After I graduated high school I worked for a year at the local Chick-fil-A and at a friend’s lawn-care business. After that year, I had no definite direction for my life, but knew that a year of studying the Bible could help me find God’s direction and would not be wasted whatever the career or ministry to which God would devote my life, so I enrolled for one year at Ambassador Baptist College. Throughout that year, God confirmed in my heart and life His calling on me for full-time Christian ministry.”