“Let this mind be in you, which was
also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form
of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
with God.” (Philippians 2:5-6)
One of my favorite Christmas passages in
scripture is not usually associated with the
holiday. Philippians 2 describes how Jesus,
though He is God, became a man. God the
Son was born of the virgin Mary so He could
live and die for our sins, be buried, and then
rise again. That is what we celebrate at
Christmas time.
The mystery of the incarnation will always
perplex us to some degree. Because it is difficult
to understand, it leads some people to draw
incorrect conclusions about Jesus. For instance,
some people conclude that Jesus was not God
from the beginning but became God through
living a perfect life. The Bible does not teach this.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is God, He was God
in eternity past, and He will always be God.
Understanding the truth about the Deity of
Christ is important if you are to fully appreciate
what He did for us. He willingly set aside the
glory and the honor that was rightfully His as
God the Son to be born as a man and die for us.
No one has ever given up as much as Jesus did
when He came to earth. The cute little Baby in the
manger was no less than the eternal Creator God
of the universe.