Christ-centered Care (Acts 9:32-35)

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Jesus performed numerous miracles when He was on the earth, many of which involved healing the sick. Those miracles proved that Jesus was God the Son and the Savior of the world. They were the stimulus for many conversations that led people to have saving faith in the Gospel.
The apostles of Jesus followed His example with the Holy Spirit working through them to heal many who were sick. The way that the followers of Christ cared for physical needs as they preached the gospel is instructive for us today.
One story is found in Acts 9:32-35. In it, Peter went to a town called Lydda, and there he met a man who was lame. When Peter saw him, he first had compassion for the cripple. He did not overlook this man’s need.
The way Peter met his need was with Christ-centered care. Peter knew that the solution to the man’s problems could only be found in Christ, so he announced, “Jesus Christ maketh thee whole.”
The result of God’s work in the man’s life was the conversion of two cities to Christianity. When people saw a walking example of the power of God, they turned to Christ in faith and were saved.
As we seek to reach the world with the gospel, we must show genuine compassion for the lost by noticing their needs and working to meet them. Our care for them must be Christ-centered so that they may be drawn to the Savior. As we do, God will bless, and others will also see that we, like our Savior, love them “in deed and in truth.”