Abiding in Christ means having continual, close fellowship with Him because we recognize that He is our only source of spiritual life. Without Him, we can do nothing. When we abide in Christ, He works in and through us to produce godly fruit. God the Father purges and prunes us so that we become more and more fruitful. The result of that fruitfulness is a life that glorifies God as we live as disciples of Christ ought to live.
If the branches never enjoyed any benefit from abiding fruitfulness, then it would still be best for us to abide in Christ. But God, in His mercy and grace, gives a wonderful promise to the branches that abide. He promises that those who follow these instructions would have lives that are filled with joy.
Galatians 5:22 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…” The first fruit of the Spirit is love, followed by joy. The same pattern is found in John 15:9-14. When we walk closely with Christ, we abide in His love. As we learn to love Him more, we obey His commandments more, including His command to love on another. The result of loving God as we should and loving others as we should is a life filled with joy.
Everyone craves joy, whether they realize it or not. The search for pleasure, happiness and fulfillment is really a search for joy, and that is only found in an abiding relationship with Christ. It is vain to look for joy anywhere else, because Jesus, the Vine, is the only source. God produces in us the fruit of the Sprit that is, among other things, love and joy.