Sep 15, 2024
A Tale of Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
It is incredible how people born to the same parents and raised in the same home can turn out completely opposite. Sometimes, they do not even resemble one another in appearance; other times, they look similar, but their personalities are polar opposites. The differences between even close relatives are often by God’s design to display His glory through the diversity of His creation.
But not all differences are good. When one person makes right choices, and another does not, their lives will look very different. Even more importantly, our choices impact eternity. Sometimes, the difference between people is literally the difference between heaven and hell.
In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus told a parable about two sons who were polar opposites. There were those among Jesus’ audience who thought they were better than others because they gave a good impression of being righteous, but their religion was lip service. They did not obey God from their hearts, and so they were still lost in their sins. They needed to understand that it makes little difference what you say, but it makes all the difference what you do. It is not enough to give the impression that you are right. You must repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved from your sin and death in hell.
  • Sep 15, 2024A Tale of Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
    Sep 15, 2024
    A Tale of Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
    It is incredible how people born to the same parents and raised in the same home can turn out completely opposite. Sometimes, they do not even resemble one another in appearance; other times, they look similar, but their personalities are polar opposites. The differences between even close relatives are often by God’s design to display His glory through the diversity of His creation.
    But not all differences are good. When one person makes right choices, and another does not, their lives will look very different. Even more importantly, our choices impact eternity. Sometimes, the difference between people is literally the difference between heaven and hell.
    In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus told a parable about two sons who were polar opposites. There were those among Jesus’ audience who thought they were better than others because they gave a good impression of being righteous, but their religion was lip service. They did not obey God from their hearts, and so they were still lost in their sins. They needed to understand that it makes little difference what you say, but it makes all the difference what you do. It is not enough to give the impression that you are right. You must repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved from your sin and death in hell.
  • Sep 1, 2024Burden For Believers
    Sep 1, 2024
    Burden For Believers
  • Sep 1, 2024Not Good Enough (Mark 10:17)
    Sep 1, 2024
    Not Good Enough (Mark 10:17)
    Many people imagine that getting to heaven is simply a matter of ensuring your good works outweigh your bad. If you try to be kind and avoid any enormous sins like murder or robbing a bank, then you are good enough to go to heaven when you die. All false religions teach this concept in one form or another.
    According to this thinking, sin and good works are like plusses and minuses in your bank account. As long as you keep your balance in the positive and do not overdraft your good works account, you are fine. But the Bible teaches something entirely different. The Bible says that our good works cannot save us and our righteous deeds are worse than worthless. They are like filthy rags fit only for the garbage.
    One day, Jesus encountered a young man who wanted to know how to have eternal life. He was a rich, educated, religious man who thought he was pretty good, maybe even good enough to get to heaven. And if he wasn’t, he certainly wasn’t far from it. Jesus knew what was in the man’s heart, and, in a brief conversation, He revealed a truth that our eternity hinges on: we are not good enough. There is only One who is truly good, and that One is God. The only way that we can be saved from eternal death in hell and receive eternal life is to admit that we are not good enough and trust in Jesus for our salvation.
  • Sep 1, 2024I Am Standing At The Crossroads (Special Music)
    Sep 1, 2024
    I Am Standing At The Crossroads (Special Music)
    "I Am Standing At The Crossroads" by The Stephen Riffel Family.
  • Sep 1, 2024The God Of Peace (Special Music)
    Sep 1, 2024
    The God Of Peace (Special Music)
    "The God Of Peace"  Philadelphia Baptist Church Choir
  • Aug 25, 2024Listen Up (Malachi 3)
    Aug 25, 2024
    Listen Up (Malachi 3)
  • Aug 25, 2024Why Church? For God’s Glory (Ephesians 3:21)
    Aug 25, 2024
    Why Church? For God’s Glory (Ephesians 3:21)
    1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” We exist to bring glory to God and have been commanded to glorify God intentionally. So, it only makes sense that a primary purpose of the church is to glorify God. The church belongs to God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He began the church and bought the church, and the church is His bride and body. He deserves to be glorified in and through the church, and we should be happy to take part in the glorification of God in the church.
    Sadly, churches have all too often mutated into institutions that glorify man. People remember “flagship” ministries for the men who lead them more than for the work of God done in them. The problem has been perpetuated by the Satanic philosophy that man must increase for God to increase. But John said, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) Many people despise the day of small things as inferior and undesirable. We must correct our thinking. We should belong to the church and be accountable to the church for the glory of God alone. We should encourage and edify each other for the glory of God. We should insist that the church preach and teach the truth and proclaim the gospel to the lost for the glory of God. God and God alone should get glory in the church. He is the One who has all power. He is the One who has saved us and works in us to change us to be more and more like Christ. He is the One who deserves glory in the church now and forever.
  • Aug 11, 2024Why Loosing Everything Is The Best Thing (Philippians 3:7)
    Aug 11, 2024
    Why Loosing Everything Is The Best Thing (Philippians 3:7)
  • Aug 11, 2024Why Church? For Growth (I Corinthians 13:11)
    Aug 11, 2024
    Why Church? For Growth (I Corinthians 13:11)
    Growing up is an odd thing. We spend much of our time as children trying to act like grown-ups, and then some grown-ups spend a lot of their time acting like kids. The difference between children and adults is maturity. However, we do not expect adults to act like kids; we expect them to act maturely. Paul summarized growing up this way, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13:11)
    In Ephesians 4, Paul wrote that God has gifted certain people to the church "for the perfecting of the saints." We are perfected as we grow and mature in our Christian life. The community in which that growth takes place is the local church. You and I need the church to help us "grow up into him." The Christian life is designed to be one where we work together, learn together, and grow together so that we all grow more and more like Jesus. When we are each in our place, lovingly doing our part for the body of Christ, the result is consistent growth, individually and collectively. We must be committed to God's plan for the local church to grow up into Christ because proper growth in the Christian life cannot happen apart from the church.
  • Aug 7, 2024Wrong is never Right (1 Samuel 24)
    Aug 7, 2024
    Wrong is never Right (1 Samuel 24)
    Right and wrong are not determined by the circumstances we face. What is convenient is not always right. Sometimes it is easier to do the wrong thing. Occasionally our friends will mistakenly encourage us the wrong way. We must look past the immediate situation and see the will of God. We must block out the noise of other voices and listen to the Word of God. We must do right, even when doing wrong seems like a better idea.
  • Aug 4, 2024Homecoming
    Aug 4, 2024
    Guest Speaker: Dr. Joel Spencer
    Dr. Joel Spencer has served the Lord in full time ministry for many years. After receiving his graduate degree from Maranatha Graduate School of Theology, he pastored in Bethlehem, PA. Later, the Lord called him to graduate school where he received his Doctor of Religious Education degree. For nearly 25 years he has been a professor at Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC.
    In addition to teaching, the Lord has allowed Dr. Spencer to serve as interim pastor in dozens of churches, including here at Philadelphia Baptist Church in 2016. Through this ministry he has assisted many churches through challenging transitions.
    It is our privilege to welcome Dr. Spencer back today as we celebrate God’s blessings on our church!
  • Jul 28, 2024Bloody Hands Or Blood Cleansed Heart
    Jul 28, 2024
    Bloody Hands Or Blood Cleansed Heart
  • Jul 14, 2024Stir Up The Gift (II Timothy 1:6)
    Jul 14, 2024
    Stir Up The Gift (II Timothy 1:6)
  • Jul 14, 2024Why Serve God?
    Jul 14, 2024
    Why Serve God?
    “Growing up in a pastor’s home, I was saved at a relatively young age. I remember sitting with me dad while he went over the plan of salvation – how my sin separated me from God and destined me to an eternity in hell, but God’s Son Jesus died in my place on the cross and rose from the dead, taking my punishment to give me eternal life. After that, I prayed and a few years later, I was baptized on the same day as my sisters and younger brother. Despite a short period of doubting, I still believe I was saved that day when I was five.
    As a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old boy, I wanted to study to become an ornithologist. I can remember wrestling in my heart whether I would give up that goal if it were not God’s will. Eventually I reached the point where I was willing to let any of my plans go for whatever the will of God for my life would be.
    After I graduated high school I worked for a year at the local Chick-fil-A and at a friend’s lawn-care business. After that year, I had no definite direction for my life, but knew that a year of studying the Bible could help me find God’s direction and would not be wasted whatever the career or ministry to which God would devote my life, so I enrolled for one year at Ambassador Baptist College. Throughout that year, God confirmed in my heart and life His calling on me for full-time Christian ministry.”
  • Jul 14, 2024Special Sunday School Class in response to the Trump Assasination attempt.
    Jul 14, 2024
    Special Sunday School Class in response to the Trump Assasination attempt.