- Jan 29, 2023Biblical Philosophy of Childrens Ministry (Matthew 18)
Jan 29, 2023Biblical Philosophy of Childrens Ministry (Matthew 18)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday Evening
- Jan 29, 2023The Field is Out There (Luke 10:2-3 KJV)
Jan 29, 2023The Field is Out There (Luke 10:2-3 KJV)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningThere is something about the image of a big, old barn against the backdrop of green or golden fields that brings a sense of peace and serenity. Whether you are a farmhand or a city slicker, you can certainly appreciate the beauty of such a scene. While everyone loves the look of a pretty barn, what good is it if the fields around it are full of barren soil and rotting crops? A barn is where the supplies are kept, the equipment is maintained, and the harvest is stored. It is where the farmhands meet their boss in the morning and get their assignments for the day. And while a lot of work takes place in the barn, the work of sowing and reaping has to occur in the field. And the field is outside, not inside the barn. “For this reason, the church membership should not be considered the field but the force. Consequently, the entire program of the church should be geared to training and challenging its force to go out into the field and to spread the gospel of Christ.” Jesus told his disciples, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.” (Luke 10:2-3) The laborers in the spiritual harvest must be sent forth into the fields, and we are those laborers. God has commanded us to go, and as we are going, we are to preach and teach the gospel. Spending time in the barn is good, but we must get out in the fields to reap a harvest.
- Jan 22, 2023Jael and the Nail (Judges 4:11-21 KJV)
Jan 22, 2023Jael and the Nail (Judges 4:11-21 KJV)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday EveningBarak was listed in Hebrews 11 as an example of faith, but his faith was very weak because it depended on someone else. He refused to go into battle at the command of the Lord unless Deborah, the prophetess, came with him. She agreed but informed him that the credit for the victory would not go to him
but to a woman.Barak gathered his army, and word got to Sisera, the general of the Canaanite army, that the Israelites were preparing for battle. He made the first move and, with his superior forces, tried to surround them quickly. God, however, was on Israel’s side and discomfited the army of the Canaanites. As Sisera’s army fled in terror, he found himself on foot, running for his life. He made his way to the Homestead of Heber, a family with whom they were at peace. Jael, the wife of Heber, hid him in her tent and gave him milk to drink and a comfortable place to sleep. While he slept, she took advantage of the opportunity and drove a spike through his head, ending his life.From Barack, we learn the grace of God to give us victory even when our faith is weak. From Sisera, we learn the folly of trusting in our own strength, our own weapons, and our own ingenuity. The lesson is clear from both. Only by trusting God will we have victory. - Jan 22, 2023With Authority (Mark 1:22)
Jan 22, 2023With Authority (Mark 1:22)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningThere have been many great preachers throughout history. God has used men like George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, D. L. Moody, and Billy Sunday to proclaim the gospel to millions of people. But there is no greater preacher than the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Living Word who proclaimed the written Word like no one else has.Many things set the preaching of Jesus apart from others, but one of the first things that people noted was the authority that Jesus preached with. They were not used to someone declaring the truth without hedging or hesitancy. The religious leaders they were accustomed to hearing always seemed uncertain and left the door open for other possibilities than what they thought might be true. Jesus, on the other hand, boldly declared the Word of the Lord as absolute, unwavering, undeniable truth. That truth was to be believed and not questioned, cross-examined, or factchecked by bookworms who put more emphasis on what man said God said rather than what God actually said. Things are not all that different in our day. We have an abundance of so-called Bible teachers and preachers who will happily tell you all the ideas scholars have come up with about the meaning of scripture, but it is rare for someone to declare in simple faith, “This is the truth.” Christ taught with authority, and if we are to be faithful followers of
Him, we must have the same boldness in proclaiming the truth. From the preacher in the pulpit to the soul winner on the porch, Christians must be firm in their faith and authoritative in their witness. - Jan 15, 2023A Biblical World View
- Jan 8, 2023Deborah and Barak
- Jan 8, 2023Jesus’ First Sermon
Jan 8, 2023Jesus’ First SermonBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday Evening
Jesus did not begin His public ministry until He was approximately thirty years old. When the time came for Him to begin preaching and teaching, He chose a topic for His first sermon that was the theme of His earthly ministry. Jesus preached the gospel. “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15) Jesus’ message was simple. He said that it was time to repent and believe the gospel. Jesus would go on to teach many more things and expound on the meaning and impact of the gospel message, but it all began with this simple declaration. We need to follow our Savior’s example. Too often we overcomplicate our evangelism. We think we have to have attractive promotions, novel outreach programs and witty publications to reach the lost. In reality, the foundation of our soul winning must remain the simple proclamation that Jesus began His ministry with. As we seek to be faithful sowers of the gospel seed, we must simply reiterate the age-old message that it is time for the lost to repent and believe the gospel for salvation.
- Jan 1, 2023Sowing and Growing
Jan 1, 2023Sowing and GrowingBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningThe laws of sowing and reaping were established by God at creation. Everything multiplies after its kind and all living creatures instinctively seek to grow and multiply.The laws of sowing and reaping that apply to nature also apply spiritually. A healthy plant or animal will be growing and multiplying, and so too will a healthy church. In fact, actively seeking to increase the number of Jesus’ disciples is part of the church’s mandate. However, we must recognize that it is the Lord who builds His church and adds to it “such as should be saved.” How much of church growth is our responsibility and how much is God’s?Our responsibilities can be summed up in two words: going and sowing. As followers of Jesus, we have been commanded, “Go ye therefore and teach all ations.” (Matthew 28:19) We have to go out into the world for the definite purpose of making disciples of Jesus. We do that by sowing the seed of the gospel as we are going. “God ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)God’s responsibility is to do the growing. Just like a farmer may till the soil and plant the seed but he is dependent on God using the forces of nature for the growth of the crops and fruitfulness of the harvest, we are dependent on God to make our ministry fruitful. As Paul wrote, “So then neither is
he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:7) In 2023, we need to be busy sowing good seed and trusting the Lord to give the increase. - Dec 25, 2022The Christ of Christmas The Glory of Christ
Dec 25, 2022The Christ of Christmas The Glory of ChristBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday Morning
“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,
and given him a name which is above every
name: That at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, of things in heaven, and things
in earth, and things under the earth; And that
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
(Philippians 2:9-11)Many of the Christmas carols we sing
mention the angels’ glorious announcement
of Christ’s birth. It is true that no birth in
history has ever been announced with as
much heavenly majesty as Christ’s.But the exaltation of Christ at His birth
is just a shadow of the glory that will one
day be given him. When he was born, there
were only a few people who were told. Mary
and Joseph knew. The shepherds were told
by the angels. The wise men saw the birth
announcement written in the sky and came
from afar.Jesus had a humble birth, He lived a
humble life, and He died a humiliating
death. But there is coming a day when He
will be exalted above everything. Everyone
who has ever lived will see the glory of
Christ and bow their knee to Him. They
will also confess that He is Lord, even if
they refused to acknowledge that truth
during their lifetime.Either we can bow before Christ now,
as the shepherds and the wise men did or
we can bow later. But we will bow, and it
is far better that we humble ourselves
before Christ now, receive Him as our Savior,
and live for His glory. - Dec 18, 2022Shamgar And His Ox Goad
Dec 18, 2022Shamgar And His Ox GoadBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: The Time of the Judges"Shamgar And His Ox Goad" from Sunday PM by Pastor Chambers. Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
- Dec 18, 2022The Tree Of Life
- Dec 18, 2022The Christ of Christmas: the Humility of Christ
Dec 18, 2022The Christ of Christmas: the Humility of ChristPhilippians 2:8 “And being found in fashion
as a man, he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”Christmas is an occasion for us to celebrate
how Jesus Christ, Who is God, was born as a
man so that He could die for our sins. Jesus had
to humble Himself to become a man. He “made
himself of no reputation and took upon him the
form of a servant.”But Jesus could have become any kind of
man. He could have become a great king, a
wealthy businessman, or a powerful military
leader. He chose to become the humblest kind
of a man instead. He chose to become a servant
and was born into a carpenter’s home.Jesus’ humility does not stop there. He
humbled Himself even further by consenting to
die on the cross for the sins of the world.
Execution on a cross was one of the most
humiliating forms of death that depraved man
has ever invented. He hung on a cross for all to
see, shake their heads, and mock him.Why did Jesus submit to so much humiliation?
He did it for you and me. By humbling Himself and
dying on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our
sin so that we might be saved. All we must do to
receive the salvation that Jesus offers is humble
ourselves and accept the free gift of forgiveness by
faith. - Dec 14, 2022The Wonderful Mystery of Salvation
Dec 14, 2022The Wonderful Mystery of SalvationBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Life of Peter"The Wonderful Mystery of Salvation" from Wednesday PM by Pastor Chambers. Released: 2022. Track . Genre: Religious.
- Dec 11, 2022The Left Handed Judge
Dec 11, 2022The Left Handed JudgeBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: The Time of the Judges"The Left Handed Judge" from Sunday PM by Pastor Chambers . Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
- Dec 4, 2022A Man Named Othniel