- Jun 11, 2023Tradition!
Jun 11, 2023Tradition!By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningA tradition is a ritual or belief handed down from one generation to another. Many people like traditions because they can give a sense of stability, consistency, and connection. Not all traditions are bad. In fact, many traditions are very good and helpful because they are based on Biblical principles. If, however, a tradition is at odds with God’s commands, we must reject that tradition so that we can obey God. Sadly, many people confuse traditions and God’s commands. They assume that because something has “always” been done, it must be right. They are not humble enough to admit that they and those who have gone before them might have been wrong. This was one of the glaring problems of the Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus’ day. To them, keeping the traditions of the rabbis and elders of bygone days was more important than truly obeying God’s word. Their teaching was particularly tricky because those traditions were often loosely based on the scripture. They were traditions of men presented as the doctrines of God. In Mark 7:1-13, Jesus was confronted by the religious leaders about His disciples not keeping the tradition of ritual hand washing before meals. Jesus turned the question back on them, pointing out that they were breaking the commands of God to keep their traditions. But it is not just the Scribes and Pharisees who have been guilty of elevating tradition above the commands of God. If we are not careful, any of us could fall into the same trap. We like to think that we have had it right all along, but only God’s Word is infallible. When our traditions contradict the Bible, we must give up those traditions and obey God.
- Jun 4, 2023Secret Sins (Psalm 90:8 KJV)
- May 28, 2023Growing Pain
May 28, 2023Growing PainBy: David RiffelSeries: Sunday MorningOne of our church themes this year is growing. God created us to grow physically. But with that growth often comes times of pain. We call it growing pains. A baby might experience teething pain. We may feel pain while lifting weights to build muscle. Muscles grow stronger by working them harder. Our church should be exercising its spiritual muscles to grow as well.
Christians can expect to experience growing pains in spiritual growth as well. God allows these growing pains of hardship, suffering and even hurt because He loves us and according to Romans 8:29 He is conforming us to the image of His Son Jesus. As God allows our church to grow, we can expect growing pains. The early church dealt with hardship, persecution, and suffering as part of God’s plan to build His church. We are going to have growing pains, by living our life God’s way, times of pain will bring the growth God desires to see in our church. - May 21, 2023Samson Part 1
- May 21, 2023A Godly Influencer
May 21, 2023A Godly InfluencerBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningIn the last few years, we have seen a dramatic rise in the number of people using social media to build a business around themselves and their ability to gain a following. These people are known as “influencers” because they use their platform to influence the purchasing decisions of others. God has called Christians to be influencers, but not like the world thinks of an influencer. We are to make a difference in the world, to be salt and light by living according to the truth of the gospel and sharing the message. Social media influencers persuade people to follow them. Christians should persuade people to follow Christ. The Apostle Paul was a great example of this kind of Godly influencer. His influence was so strong that people said he had “turned the world upside down.” (Acts 17:6). As a godly influencer, Paul did not live for himself. He had a taste of fame, fortune, and a following of men before he was saved, and he knew that they weren’t worth living for. Paul’s goal was to make Jesus famous and not himself. Paul lived to “preach…the unsearchable riches of Christ,” not to gain a fortune for himself so that he might live a comfortable life. Paul did not strive to build a following for himself. He only invited people to follow him as he followed Christ. The result of Paul’s selfless, sacrificial, servant-hearted influence was the glory of God through his life and ministry, which should be the goal of every pursuit a Christian undertakes. We must use whatever influence God may give us to magnify God.
- May 14, 2023The Virtuous Woman
May 14, 2023The Virtuous WomanBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningWho can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
-Proverbs 31:10, 25-31 - May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 2
May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 2By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday EveningJesus did not attempt to proclaim the gospel to the world singlehandedly. Instead, He recruited others to spread the message of salvation. In Mark 6:7-13, we read of the first time Jesus officially commissioned His disciples to go out and preach. Notice first how Jesus called and commissioned the twelve disciples to go out as His representatives. They went out by the authority of Jesus. In so doing, they went out in total reliance on God for provision and success. Note how the disciples responded with obedience. “They went out and preached….” Some would receive the message they were to deliver, and some would reject it, but they were not responsible for the actions of others. They obeyed and their obedience would honor God. The content of their message was simple. People needed to change their minds about sin and their need for a Savior and turn to Christ. That is the message of repentance. It is the message that John the Baptist preached, that Jesus preached, and that all followers of Jesus should preach. We also see how God worked through them to confirm their message. God gave them miraculous abilities that proved that the gospel they preached was of God. While we do not have the same miraculous abilities today, we do have the same Holy Spirit working through us to confirm God’s word in the hearts of those who hear. Believers today are in a similar position to those apostles. We have been commissioned to go forth and preach the message of the gospel. We are not responsible for how people respond, but we will answer to God for our obedience. We go out by the authority of Jesus and preach, relying on God to work through us.
- May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 1
May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 1By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningJesus did not attempt to proclaim the gospel to the world singlehandedly. Instead, He recruited others to spread the message of salvation. In Mark 6:7-13, we read of the first time Jesus officially commissioned His disciples to go out and preach. Notice first how Jesus called and commissioned the twelve disciples to go out as His representatives. They went out by the authority of Jesus. In so doing, they went out in total reliance on God for provision and success. Note how the disciples responded with obedience. “They went out and preached….” Some would receive the message they were to deliver, and some would reject it, but they were not responsible for the actions of others. They obeyed and their obedience would honor God. The content of their message was simple. People needed to change their minds about sin and their need for a Savior and turn to Christ. That is the message of repentance. It is the message that John the Baptist preached, that Jesus preached, and that all followers of Jesus should preach. We also see how God worked through them to confirm their message. God gave them miraculous abilities that proved that the gospel they preached was of God. While we do not have the same miraculous abilities today, we do have the same Holy Spirit working through us to confirm God’s word in the hearts of those who hear. Believers today are in a similar position to those apostles. We have been commissioned to go forth and preach the message of the gospel. We are not responsible for how people respond, but we will answer to God for our obedience. We go out by the authority of Jesus and preach, relying on God to work through us.
- Apr 30, 2023Ephraim’s Terrible Temper
- Apr 23, 2023A Disappointing Homecoming
Apr 23, 2023A Disappointing HomecomingBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday Morning
In “The Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy famously said, “There’s no place like home.” Returning to the place you grew up after being gone for years is often a happy experience, with fond memories and reunions with old friends as you visit familiar sites and reminisce. For many, returning home after a long absence is a joy and a relief. Sometimes we forget that Jesus had a childhood home and a hometown that He grew up in. Though little is recorded of it, the first thirty years of
His life were spent primarily in one small town called Nazareth. But when, in Mark 6:1-7, Jesus returned to His hometown to do for them as He had done for so many others, the reception they gave Him was anything but warm and friendly. Their rejection of Jesus limited His ministry to that community. “And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief.” (Mark 6:5-6) Perhaps the old adage “familiarity breeds contempt” explains why they did not believe on Jesus. Jesus was not a new and exciting figure to them like in other towns. Their rejection of Jesus resulted in their missing out on miracles and blessings because they would not believe. We can limit God by doubting. We do not limit His actual power, but we limit what He will do in our life, just like the Israelites when they doubted God in the wilderness. They “limited the Holy One of Israel.” (Psalm 78:41) Don’t limit the work of God in your life, and don’t let familiarity with God erode your faith in God. - Apr 19, 2023When God’s Will Is Unfair
Apr 19, 2023When God’s Will Is UnfairBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: I PeterThe theme of suffering is woven throughout the book of 1 Peter and when we come to 1 Peter 3:17-22, we find it once again. In this passage, we are told directly that it is better to suffer unfairly than to suffer fairly. That is not an easy truth to accept when you are receiving unfair treatment. To help us understand that benefit of unfair treatment, we are reminded of what Jesus did for us.
- Apr 17, 2023Five Faith Facts
Apr 17, 2023Five Faith FactsBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningFaith is believing what God says. When you think of it this way, you realize that faith is not complicated. It is not always easy to have faith. Sometimes it is very hard, because life is complicated and confusing. But having faith is simply choosing to believe what God says, even if you don't understand how that makes sense in your current situation.God rewards faith. He rewards saving faith (faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ) with eternal life. He continues to reward the saved who walk by faith with the blessing of answered prayer and extraordinary blessing. If you want to see God solve big problems and meet enormous needs in our life, then you must have faith that God can and will do it.
- Apr 16, 2023Who We Are
- Apr 9, 2023Jephthah and the Foolish Vow
- Apr 9, 2023Living in Light of the Resurrection
Apr 9, 2023Living in Light of the ResurrectionBy: Pastor ChambersSeries: The Time of the Judges
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20-21) When one trusts Christ, many amazing things happen. Among them is the fact that you identify with the death of Jesus on the Cross. You die to sin and you die to the Old Testament Law. You also identify with Christ’s resurrection. You are given new life, eternal life, in Jesus Christ. Jesus dwells in you and He is the source of your spiritual life. Here is a key to living the Christian life. You must recognize that Christ is in you and that is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) The life that you now live is not yours. It is Christ’s, and therefore it should be lived as
Christ would live it. Paul summed this truth up when he wrote, “the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” We should not walk in the flesh, following sinful impulses. We must live by faith and that faith must be in Christ. It is He that lives in us and it is He that will live through us. Moment by moment, we must choose to believe that Jesus is all we need. He is all we need to be justified. He is all we need to live justly. Because He rose
from the grave and lives forever, we can live a life that glorifies God and satisfies the believer. We must live in light of the resurrection.
- Jun 11, 2023Tradition!
- Jun 4, 2023Secret Sins (Psalm 90:8 KJV)
- May 28, 2023Growing Pain
- May 21, 2023Samson Part 1
- May 21, 2023A Godly Influencer
- May 14, 2023The Virtuous Woman
- May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 2
- May 7, 2023Two By Two Part 1
- Apr 30, 2023Ephraim’s Terrible Temper
- Apr 23, 2023A Disappointing Homecoming
- Apr 19, 2023When God’s Will Is Unfair
- Apr 17, 2023Five Faith Facts
- Apr 16, 2023Who We Are
- Apr 9, 2023Jephthah and the Foolish Vow
- Apr 9, 2023Living in Light of the Resurrection