- Sep 27, 2023Growing in Grace (2 Peter 1:1-2)
- Sep 24, 2023Johnathan and the Young Lad (I Samuel 14:6)
- Sep 17, 2023I Don’t Know and I Don’t Care (Malachi 1:1-2)
- Sep 17, 2023A Father’s Faith (Mark 9:14-29)
Sep 17, 2023A Father’s Faith (Mark 9:14-29)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningNothing feels quite so awful as seeing your child suffer and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it. If you have ever been in a situation like hat, then you understand the utter helplessness that one feels in that situation. Suppose, then, that you took your child to an expert who was supposed to be a specialist in fixing your child’s problem, but even they could not solve the issue. Your disappointment would be doubled, and you would be on the verge of despair. If you can imagine such a scenario, then you can begin to imagine how the father we meet in Mark 9 must have felt. His son was possessed by a devil and there was nothing he could do for him. He brought his son to Jesus’ disciples to be cured, and there was nothing they could do for him. He was on the verge of despair when Jesus arrived. When he asked Jesus to heal his son, Jesus responded by saying, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” That was not the answer the man was looking for, and in desperation, he cried, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Jesus did help that man’s unbelief. He healed the son, and that man’s faith grew that day because he learned that faith is not just believing that God can do whatever you need, but He is the only one who can do whatever you need, and He will meet your needs when you have Faith in Him.
- Sep 10, 2023Prophesy (Daniel 19)
- Sep 10, 2023The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:34-36)
Sep 10, 2023The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:34-36)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningHow hard is it to be a follower of Jesus? In an effort to persuade people to accept Christ as their Savior, we can mistakenly give people the idea that there is no cost involved in being a disciple of Jesus. The reality is that it is not easy to be a follower of Jesus. It costs something to be a disciple.In Mark 8:34 -36, Jesus gave His disciples a lesson on the cost of following him. He made it clear that the process of being a disciple is costly. There must be a denial of self, a decision to bear the burden of discipleship, and a daily commitment to keep following.The payoff, however, is more than worth it. If we willingly surrender our lives to God and the ministry of the gospel, then we are actually saving it. If we try to save our lives for ourselves, then we will lose it. For this reason, following Christ should be a priority over pursuing material gain or earthly pleasures.As high as the cost of discipleship is, the penalty for not following Jesus is even higher. Jesus said He would be ashamed of those who were ashamed of Him. Whether you follow Jesus or not, you will pay a price, but the cost of following Jesus is well worth it.
- Sep 3, 2023Mans Solution to Mans Problems (Judges 21:1-25)
Sep 3, 2023Mans Solution to Mans Problems (Judges 21:1-25)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: The Time of the JudgesJudges 21:1-25
- Sep 3, 2023Beware of the Leaven (Matthew 16:1-12)
Sep 3, 2023Beware of the Leaven (Matthew 16:1-12)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningWe are constantly surrounded by things that would kill us if they could. There are many creatures and organisms that are deadly to us if they attack us. There are chemicals and substances all around us that are potentially fatal. The world’s most deadly toxin, according to many scientists, is so poisonous that just one nanogram per kilogram of body weight is enough to kill a person. For this reason, we take reasonable precautions to protect ourselves. We cook our food to kill any potential germs that would make us sick. We wear bug spray to keep parasites from attacking us. Most of us do not go swimming with sharks. We are very good at protecting our bodies from things that would harm us. But what about our souls? Are we careful to guard against things that are potentially harmful to our souls? In Matthew 16, Jesus warned His disciples to be on guard against the evil influences that surrounded them. The language He used, however, left them wondering what He really meant. He said, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” They thought at first that He might have been referring to real food. But what Jesus was really talking about was the teachings of the scribes and Pharisees. Their false doctrine was like leaven because just a small amount would permeate a large loaf. We cannot afford to let our guard down when it comes to false doctrine. Any belief that contradicts scripture must be avoided at all cost, because it will eventually taint many other beliefs and behaviors.
- Aug 30, 2023Ruth’s Second Redemption (Ruth 4:1-12)
Aug 30, 2023Ruth’s Second Redemption (Ruth 4:1-12)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Ruth, God's Redeeming LoveRuth’s first and most important redemption took place in Ruth 1. But there was another redemption that Ruth was blessed to experience, and how she came to experience that redemption is a beautiful illustration of the eternal redemption the God accomplishes through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The story of Ruth’s second redemption is wonderful to tell, but not as nearly wonderful as the story of our eternal redemption from sin.
- Aug 27, 2023They Knew Not That Evil Was Near Them (Judges 20:34)
Aug 27, 2023They Knew Not That Evil Was Near Them (Judges 20:34)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: The Time of the Judges
- Aug 20, 2023The Process of Sanctification (Ephesians 4:20-24)
Aug 20, 2023The Process of Sanctification (Ephesians 4:20-24)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday Evening
- Aug 16, 2023Strange Obedience (Ruth 3:1-9)
Aug 16, 2023Strange Obedience (Ruth 3:1-9)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Ruth, God's Redeeming LoveIn Ruth 3, Ruth was given instructions by Naomi that seemed odd to us and most likely seemed strange to Ruth. But those instructions were based on the truth of God’s word, and by following those instructions, Ruth would receive a tremendous blessing. Her story should encourage us to obey God’s word, whether our flesh is comfortable with it or not.
- Aug 13, 2023The Traitor At The Table (John 13:21-30)
- Aug 13, 2023How To Have Compassion (Mark 8:1-10)
Aug 13, 2023How To Have Compassion (Mark 8:1-10)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Sunday MorningHumans are naturally selfish creatures. Left to our own devices we will always turn inward, doing the things that make us happy and that satisfy our desires. We will view our relationships with others as a means to achieve a self-serving goal. Because of our sinful, selfish tendencies, it is hard for us to have true compassion. Even acts of kindness that we do can be motivated by a selfish desire to feel good about ourselves or be viewed positively by others for what we have done. Jesus had no selfish tendencies, therefore everything He did was motivated by the holy desire for the good of others. He is the model of true compassion. In Mark 8:1-10, we find a record of one of the two famous miracles when Jesus fed the multitude by turning a tiny amount of food into an abundant feast. We often focus on the material aspect of the story, how seven loaves and a few fish could become a feast for 4,000, and we sometimes overlook Jesus’ motivation for the miracle. He stated that motivation in Mark 8:2 when He said, “I have compassion on the multitude.” If we follow that line of thought we find details in this story that show us how to have true compassion. Having true compassion means paying attention to other people and to their needs. It means taking the time to get to know them personally. It means
you are willing to sacrifice what little you have for their good, trusting God to stretch your resources so that neither you nor they will end up empty handed. Having true compassion means that you are not living for yourself, but that you honor God by genuinely caring for others. - Aug 9, 2023God’s Providential Plan (Ruth 2:1-17)
Aug 9, 2023God’s Providential Plan (Ruth 2:1-17)By: Pastor ChambersSeries: Ruth, God's Redeeming LoveThere is no such things as luck. Nothing happens to us by pure coincidence because God is sovereignly working in our lives to achieve His perfect purpose in us and through us. How God sovereignly worked in Ruth’s life to put her in the right place at the right time to meet the right person to fulfill God’s plan for her is amazing to see. Trust what God is doing and obey what you know God wants you to do and you will see God’s sovereignty at work in your life too.