Dec 18, 2022
The Christ of Christmas: the Humility of Christ
Philippians 2:8 “And being found in fashion
as a man, he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
Christmas is an occasion for us to celebrate
how Jesus Christ, Who is God, was born as a
man so that He could die for our sins. Jesus had
to humble Himself to become a man. He “made
himself of no reputation and took upon him the
form of a servant.”
But Jesus could have become any kind of
man. He could have become a great king, a
wealthy businessman, or a powerful military
leader. He chose to become the humblest kind
of a man instead. He chose to become a servant
and was born into a carpenter’s home.
Jesus’ humility does not stop there. He
humbled Himself even further by consenting to
die on the cross for the sins of the world.
Execution on a cross was one of the most
humiliating forms of death that depraved man
has ever invented. He hung on a cross for all to
see, shake their heads, and mock him.
Why did Jesus submit to so much humiliation?
He did it for you and me. By humbling Himself and
dying on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our
sin so that we might be saved. All we must do to
receive the salvation that Jesus offers is humble
ourselves and accept the free gift of forgiveness by
  • Dec 18, 2022The Christ of Christmas: the Humility of Christ
    Dec 18, 2022
    The Christ of Christmas: the Humility of Christ
    Philippians 2:8 “And being found in fashion
    as a man, he humbled himself, and became
    obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
    Christmas is an occasion for us to celebrate
    how Jesus Christ, Who is God, was born as a
    man so that He could die for our sins. Jesus had
    to humble Himself to become a man. He “made
    himself of no reputation and took upon him the
    form of a servant.”
    But Jesus could have become any kind of
    man. He could have become a great king, a
    wealthy businessman, or a powerful military
    leader. He chose to become the humblest kind
    of a man instead. He chose to become a servant
    and was born into a carpenter’s home.
    Jesus’ humility does not stop there. He
    humbled Himself even further by consenting to
    die on the cross for the sins of the world.
    Execution on a cross was one of the most
    humiliating forms of death that depraved man
    has ever invented. He hung on a cross for all to
    see, shake their heads, and mock him.
    Why did Jesus submit to so much humiliation?
    He did it for you and me. By humbling Himself and
    dying on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our
    sin so that we might be saved. All we must do to
    receive the salvation that Jesus offers is humble
    ourselves and accept the free gift of forgiveness by
  • Dec 14, 2022The Wonderful Mystery of Salvation
    Dec 14, 2022
    The Wonderful Mystery of Salvation
    "The Wonderful Mystery of Salvation" from Wednesday PM by Pastor Chambers. Released: 2022. Track . Genre: Religious.
  • Dec 11, 2022The Left Handed Judge
    Dec 11, 2022
    The Left Handed Judge
    "The Left Handed Judge" from Sunday PM by Pastor Chambers . Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
  • Dec 4, 2022A Man Named Othniel
    Dec 4, 2022
    A Man Named Othniel
  • Dec 4, 2022The Deity of Christ
    Dec 4, 2022
    The Deity of Christ

    “Let this mind be in you, which was
    also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form
    of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
    with God.” (Philippians 2:5-6)

    One of my favorite Christmas passages in
    scripture is not usually associated with the
    holiday. Philippians 2 describes how Jesus,
    though He is God, became a man. God the
    Son was born of the virgin Mary so He could
    live and die for our sins, be buried, and then
    rise again. That is what we celebrate at
    Christmas time.

    The mystery of the incarnation will always
    perplex us to some degree. Because it is difficult
    to understand, it leads some people to draw
    incorrect conclusions about Jesus. For instance,
    some people conclude that Jesus was not God
    from the beginning but became God through
    living a perfect life. The Bible does not teach this.
    The Bible teaches that Jesus is God, He was God
    in eternity past, and He will always be God.

    Understanding the truth about the Deity of
    Christ is important if you are to fully appreciate
    what He did for us. He willingly set aside the
    glory and the honor that was rightfully His as
    God the Son to be born as a man and die for us.
    No one has ever given up as much as Jesus did
    when He came to earth. The cute little Baby in the
    manger was no less than the eternal Creator God
    of the universe.

  • Dec 4, 2022Oh Come All Ye Faithful
    Dec 4, 2022
    Oh Come All Ye Faithful
    "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" from Specail Instumental Music by Caleb,Levi, Lucy. Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
  • Nov 27, 2022The Power Of The Cross
    Nov 27, 2022
    The Power Of The Cross
    "The Power Of The Cross" from Sunday PM by Missionary Robert Southard. Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
  • Nov 27, 2022Mind Your Own Business
    Nov 27, 2022
    Mind Your Own Business
     A busybody is a person who meddles in the affairs of others. The word “busybody” is used three times in the Bible, but the concept of being a meddlesome person and a talebearer is mentioned many more times. 2 Thessalonians 3:11 summarizes the Biblical teaching about being a busybody when it calls it “disorderly.” It is rude to intrude on other people’s affairs,
    and it requires you to ignore or neglect your business. Symptoms of a busybody include too much curiosity, too little work, and too much talking. Instead of doing these things, you should “study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands” (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
    There is a balance that we must learn as well. Genuine concern and compassion for others must not be confused with being a busybody. But if we are to help others, we must first mind our own business, or else we are not qualified to assist them. We must “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5)
    The simple truth is that you are responsible for your own actions. Since you will answer to God for yourself and no one else, you need to be sure that you mind your own business and don’t be “a busybody in other men’s matters.” (1 Peter 4:15)
  • Nov 27, 2022He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels
    Nov 27, 2022
    He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels
    "He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels" from Special Music by Mrs. Baron, Mrs. Whitley, Mrs. Bachman. Released: 2022.
  • Nov 27, 2022The Spirits Sword
    Nov 27, 2022
    The Spirits Sword
    "The Spirits Sword" by Teen Choir.
  • Nov 20, 2022Influencing a Generation Part 2
    Nov 20, 2022
    Influencing a Generation Part 2
    "Influencing a Generation" from Sunday AM by Pastor Chambers. Released: 2022. Genre: Religious.
  • Nov 20, 2022Influencing a Generation
    Nov 20, 2022
    Influencing a Generation

    Joshua and his generation failed to follow through
    and fully obey God’s command to drive out all the
    inhabitants of the land of Canaan.  But when God
    confronted them with their sin, they repented and
    rededicated themselves to the Lord.  The nation of
    Israel went on to serve the Lord all the days of Joshua. 

    Judges 2:7 And the people served the LORD all
    the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders
    that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great
    works of the LORD, that he did for Israel.

    It is possible to impact our generation for good. 
    We cannot guarantee how long our influence might
    last.  We cannot even guarantee how long we will last. 
    But we can choose to do what is right and be a force
    for good in our generation.  We can stem the tide of
    evil for ourselves and our children.  That is what
    Joshua and his generation did.

    We say that we are troubled by the direction of
    our country.  We say that we are worried about the
    future for our children and grandchildren.  But are
    we sorry enough to repent of our own sin and choose
    to do things differently, to do things right?  There is
    a sorrow of this world that works death.  We need
    godly sorrow that works repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10).
    The hope for our generation lies in our willingness
    to repent of our sin and do what is right. 

  • Nov 13, 2022Ye Are Not Your Own
    Nov 13, 2022
    Ye Are Not Your Own
    Sunday AM by Pastor Chambers
  • Nov 13, 2022They Forsook The Lord, And Followed Other Gods
    Nov 13, 2022
    They Forsook The Lord, And Followed Other Gods

    The book of Judges is a difficult
    book to read. Though it contains
    happy moments, overall, it is very
    dark, and as you progress through
    the book, it gets worse and worse. 

    Twice it says in the book of Judges,
    “In those days there was no king in
    Israel, but every man did that which
    was right in his own eyes.” (Judges
    17:6; 21:25) How did the nation that
    received God’s law at Mount Sinai
    end up in such a terrible place? It
    happened because they decided to
    forsake God and follow idols. 

    Before Joshua died, he charged
    the people, “And if it seem evil unto
    you to serve the LORD, choose you
    this day whom ye will serve; whether
    the gods which your fathers served
    that were on the other side of the
    flood, or the gods of the Amorites,
    in whose land ye dwell: but as for
    me and my house, we will serve the
    LORD.” (Joshua 24:15) Joshua
    and his generation chose to serve
    the Lord. But the next generation
    decided to serve false gods. “And
    they forsook the LORD God of
    their fathers, which brought them
    out of the land of Egypt, and followed
    other gods.” (Joshua 2:13).

    Every individual must choose for
    themselves who they will follow. Either
    they will follow the true God, the God
    of the Bible, or they will follow a false
    god, doing whatever is right in their
    own eyes. The book of Judges shows
    us the disastrous consequences of
    forsaking the Lord and following false
    gods. The consequences will be painful
    if we stray from God and do what we
    think is right instead of what God says
    is right. 

  • Nov 6, 20222022-11-06_Special Music
    Nov 6, 2022
    2022-11-06_Special Music
    PBC Choir: God Of Heaven
    Pastor Chambers: Trombone Special
    Mr. Tilson: Solo Special