Light Living

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Salt And Light Living

Matthew 5-7 records for us the greatest sermon ever preached, the sermon of our Savior. We call it the sermon on the mount and Jesus is speaking to his followers on the characteristics of the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. He starts by describing the character they ought to have in what we call the Beatitudes. When we have these attitudes, we become a living testimony of God’s work in our lives.

Jesus illustrates this in his sermon by using two common objects: salt and light. These symbols of salt and light refer to the enriching and preserving influence that we as believers are to have on the world around us by showing and sharing Jesus Christ. Salt speaks of our character as believers, that inward work of God in us. Light speaks of our conduct, that outward work as God works through us, that others may see our good works and glorify our Father, Who is in heaven.

Salt and light give us illumination and instruction in our daily lives as Kingdom citizens in a sinful world. God has left us here for a purpose. His desire for each of us as his children is for us to be a positive spiritual influence on the world around us for the glory of God.