Why Church? For God’s Glory (Ephesians 3:21)

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1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” We exist to bring glory to God and have been commanded to glorify God intentionally. So, it only makes sense that a primary purpose of the church is to glorify God. The church belongs to God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He began the church and bought the church, and the church is His bride and body. He deserves to be glorified in and through the church, and we should be happy to take part in the glorification of God in the church.
Sadly, churches have all too often mutated into institutions that glorify man. People remember “flagship” ministries for the men who lead them more than for the work of God done in them. The problem has been perpetuated by the Satanic philosophy that man must increase for God to increase. But John said, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) Many people despise the day of small things as inferior and undesirable. We must correct our thinking. We should belong to the church and be accountable to the church for the glory of God alone. We should encourage and edify each other for the glory of God. We should insist that the church preach and teach the truth and proclaim the gospel to the lost for the glory of God. God and God alone should get glory in the church. He is the One who has all power. He is the One who has saved us and works in us to change us to be more and more like Christ. He is the One who deserves glory in the church now and forever.